【News Buddy】「演唱會經濟」矚目 各地政府爭辦盛事

◆ 圖為Taylor Swift演唱會。 資料圖片
◆ 圖為Taylor Swift演唱會。 資料圖片

  【原文】摘錄自2024年2月20日香港《文匯報》: 美國流行樂壇女歌星Taylor Swift去年3月起展開「The Eras Tour」巡迴演唱會,在亞洲的只有日本和新加坡站。泰國總理賽塔早前披露,原來新加坡政府為吸引Taylor Swift到當地舉行演唱會,搶先提供每場200萬至300萬美元(約1,564萬至2,346萬港元)政府資助,換取新加坡在東南亞的「獨家」主辦權。


  Taylor Swift原定2014年在泰國曼谷開演唱會,但因故取消,其後再未安排赴泰國演唱。賽塔表示,他早前邀請負責Taylor Swift巡迴演唱會的主辦方AEG高層,向對方保證已準備好稅收獎勵等誘因,吸引更多巨星,不過AEG表示演唱會已獲新加坡政府資助。賽塔表示,如果泰國政府補貼也能換取Taylor Swift赴泰,相信有助吸引大批外地遊客赴泰旅遊消費,「巨星演唱會能吸引外國粉絲來訪,帶動酒店業和觀光互動。」

  除Taylor Swift外,包括英國搖滾樂隊Coldplay、當紅歌星Ed Sheeran等不少明星,都將新加坡設為大型巡迴演出的亞洲主要站點。


  布局硬件設施之餘,新加坡旅遊局還積極發展軟實力,鼓勵結合推廣本地文化與享受旅遊體驗。不論是美國歌手Charlie Puth受邀拍攝新加坡旅遊景點宣傳片,還是Ed Sheeran演唱會上與新加坡流行歌星林俊傑互動,都極具吸引力。粉絲們在當地旅遊,也帶動當地交通、酒店、餐飲和周邊產業發展。

  統計顯示,今次The Eras Tour經濟效應驚人,累計經濟價值折算高達50億美元(約391億港元)。僅在北美地區,今次巡演預計帶來22億美元(約172億港元)經濟效應。單是美國粉絲在巡演的門票、旅行、服飾和各類周邊商品上,平均每人花費1,300美元(約1萬港元)。

  不少東南亞國家都希望發展演唱會經濟。彭博通訊社報道,印尼旅遊與創意經濟部長桑迪亞加也稱,印尼政府成立總值一萬億印尼盾(約5億港元)基金,旨在未來爭取演唱會等活動在當地舉行,創造如Taylor Swift演唱會帶動的經濟效應。

  Blooming Concert Economy: Governments Spend Big on Events

  【譯文】American pop star Taylor Swift started her "The Eras Tour" in March last year, with only Japan and Singapore stops in Asia. Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin disclosed on Friday (February 16) that the Singapore government, in a bid to attract Taylor Swift to hold concerts there, had pre-empted her by offering a government subsidy of US$2 million to US$3 million (HK$15.64 million to HK$23.46 million) per show, in exchange for Singapore's "exclusive" hosting rights in Southeast Asia.

  The concert's economic impact has been a cause for concern around the world in recent years. Srettha described the " Singapore government as very shrewd", saying that if he had known about it, "it would have been worth it even if the subsidy had been at least 500 million baht (about HK$110 million)."

  Taylor Swift was initially scheduled to perform in Bangkok in 2014, but the concert was cancelled and she has yet to be scheduled to perform in Thailand since. Srettha said he invited senior executives from AEG, the organizer in charge of Taylor Swift's tour, last week to assure them that incentives such as tax incentives were in place to attract more superstars.

  However, AEG said the Singapore government had subsidized the concerts. Srettha noted that if the Thai government subsidies can also be exchanged for Taylor Swift to Thailand, it is believed that it will help attract a large number of foreign tourists to Thailand to travel and spend money, "superstar concerts can attract foreign fans to visit, driving the hotel industry and tourism interaction."

  In addition to Taylor Swift, many other stars, including British rock band Coldplay and famous singer Ed Sheeran, have made Singapore a significant stop in Asia for their large-scale tours. The attraction of Singapore to the concert-going economy is attributed to the city's abundance of hardware and facilities. For example, the National Stadium in Singapore, the preferred venue for large-scale concerts, has a capacity of 55,000 spectators, comparable in size to the Tokyo Dome and far more significant than most venues in other Southeast Asian countries that can only accommodate about 15,000 people. The Singapore Marina Art Center's high-end audio equipment also ranks among the best in the world.

  In addition to the hardware facilities, the Singapore Tourism Board is also actively developing its soft power, promoting local culture and enjoying travel experiences. From the invitation of American singer Charlie Puth to film a promotional video for Singapore's tourist attractions to the interaction between Ed Sheeran and Singaporean pop star JJ Lin at an Ed Sheeran concert, the Singapore Tourism Board has made it very attractive for fans to visit the city. Fans travelling to the region also drive the development of local transportation, hotel, food and beverage, and peripheral industries.

  Statistics show that the economic impact of The Eras Tour is impressive, with a cumulative monetary value of US$5 billion (approximately HK$39.1 billion). In North America alone, the tour is expected to bring US$2.2 billion (HK$17.2 billion). US fans alone spent an average of US$1,300 (HK$10,000) per person on tickets, travel, clothing and all kinds of peripheral merchandise for the tour.

  Many Southeast Asian countries are looking to develop their concert economy. Bloomberg News reported that Indonesia's Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Mr Sandiaga, also said that the Indonesian government has set up a fund worth Rp 1 trillion (about HK$500 million), aiming at securing events such as concerts to be held in the country in the future, and to create an economic effect such as that of the Taylor Swift concerts.◆ Tiffany