【社評雙語道】同城化提生活品質 良性競爭利市場優化

◆ 圖為「山姆店」港人掃貨盛況。 資料圖片
◆ 圖為「山姆店」港人掃貨盛況。 資料圖片








  A metropolis of two cities: enhancing life quality and optimising the market

  【譯文】Recently, it has become a growing trend for Hong Kong residents to “trip north” to Shenzhen for consumption and a local travel agency has launched the “Sam's Club Shopping Tour”, which has attracted more than 3,000 bookings, and 50 tours in this month are almost fully booked. As the one-day living sphere of the Greater Bay Area takes shape, the trend of Hong Kong-Shenzhen metropolis gives Hong Kong residents more choices for consumption and improves their quality of life, while at the same time stimulating local merchants to actively adjust their business models and promote differentiated development. In the long run, a market environment with healthy competition will definitely bring progress and facilitate market optimisation and development, and ultimately benefit consumers, which is good for the residents of Hong Kong and Shenzhen.

  Since the full resumption of normal travel between Hong Kong and the Mainland, there has been a growing trend of Hong Kong residents going north for dining, accommodation and entertainment. On the one hand, this is due to the revenge spending after three years of the Pandemic; on the other hand, the mainland's more innovative products and consumption models can satisfy Hong Kong people's curiosity about new products. In terms of changes in market ecology, the two markets in Hong Kong and Shenzhen are gradually penetrating and integrating, and it is very convenient for consumers to go north or south, which has virtually expanded the choices of Hong Kong consumers, upgraded the life quality of Hong Kong residents, and has a profound impact on the progress of the business environment in Hong Kong.

  First of all, the northbound supermarket shopping tours are a reflection of the differentiated development between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. The local food and grocery retail market was monopolised by the two major supermarket groups, with similar shopping environments and similar product choices, making it a relatively typical oligopolistic market. In the early years, a large foreign supermarket group was set up in Hong Kong, but returned after a few years, showing a high degree of market monopoly in the local market. In contrast, the Mainland market is vast, with larger supermarkets and more choices of products. Apart from Sam's supermarkets which are not available in Hong Kong, the first Costco in South China which will soon settle in Shenzhen has been targeted by many Hong Kong residents even before it opens, showing that the Shenzhen market across the river, has already brought effective competition to the local market.

  Secondly, the northbound shopping wave can stimulate the improvement of cross-border consumption patterns, which is conducive to the further integration of the two markets. As the saying goes, where there is demand, there will be business opportunities. Take supermarket shopping tours as an example, apart from the increase in the number of Hong Kong customers in supermarkets, it has also given rise to a lot of demand for peripheral services.

  For example, bus companies have been increasing the number of cross-border buses from Hong Kong to major supermarkets in the Mainland, express delivery companies have introduced a "half-day delivery" service to deliver goods to the doorsteps of Hong Kong residents, and even travel agencies have launched shopping tours. Hong Kong people can also capitalise on the business opportunities brought by this wave of cross-border shopping if they are smart enough. Similarly, local large-scale shopping malls can also learn from the practice of the Mainland and improve the ancillary services for mainland consumers who go south for shopping, so as to achieve two-way healthy competition.

  Moreover, the boom in cross-boundary consumption can stimulate the transformation of the local business environment, which is good for enhancing Hong Kong's market competitiveness in the long run. Hong Kong is a free port and it is very convenient for goods to be imported and exported. In the past, it was precisely by virtue of this advantage that mainland consumers favoured Hong Kong. Nowadays, many mainland tourists still like to shop in Hong Kong, but comparatively speaking, the quality and low price of goods in the mainland market are increasingly valued by Hong Kong residents. This two-way flow and interaction between the two markets is a manifestation of market integration. Local businesses should take a positive view of this kind of healthy competition and actively enhance the competitiveness of their products and services, instead of regarding Hong Kong as a small and closed market and keeping stuck in a rut.

  ◆ 琬琰