【社評雙語道】增處罰升阻嚇力 打擊僭建更高效

Enhance the deterrent effect of penalties to combat UBWs more effectively
【譯文】Unauthorised Building Works (UBWs) and unlawful occupation of government land were discovered in four houses of Redhill Peninsula, a luxury housing estate on Hong Kong Island, in the wake of the landslides caused by the “once-in-a-century” black rainstorm earlier. The Buildings Department (BD) and the Lands Department (LandsD) launched a joint operation on 22 September and found that among the 85 houses on the waterfront, about 70 were suspected of having UBWs and about 40 were suspected of unlawful occupation of government land, which is a very serious situation. The problem of UBWs at Redhill Peninsula has aroused widespread concern in society. The Government must enforce the law rigorously and, at the same time, proactively review the inadequacies of the existing legislation in combating UBWs, and where necessary, amend the legislation to enhance the deterrent effect of law enforcement.
Having compared government plot plans and satellite images of Redhill Peninsula after the black rain, some professionals claimed that much more than four houses were suspected of UBWs, and the Government's operation on 22 September discovered even more suspected UBWs, which showed that UBWs are quite common at Redhill Peninsula.
As a matter of fact, the penalties for UBWs and unlawful occupation of government land under the existing laws of Hong Kong are not light. Take UBWs as an example, an owner who fails to comply with a removal order without reasonable excuse is liable upon conviction to a maximum fine of $200,000 and one year's imprisonment, and to a further fine of $20,000 for each day that the offence continues; a person who unlawfully occupies government land and fails to comply with a notice issued by the LandsD is liable on the first occasion on which the person is convicted of the offence, to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months, and to a further fine of $50,000 for each day during which the offence continues.
Why is the problem of UBWs still prevalent even though the penalties are not light着 On the one hand, the Government's infrequent inspections have fuelled the mentality of owners to count on luck, and the UBWs at Redhill Peninsula were discovered only because of the once-in-a-century rainstorm. On the other hand, there are difficulties in enforcement and it takes a long time. At present, the Government has only issued removal orders for four houses, while the rest will be dealt with under a "risk-based" approach and will be followed up upon receipt of complaints and evidence. It is difficult to estimate the time required for the Government to collect evidence against each of the houses at Redhill Peninsula with suspected UBWs. In addition, as some owners are uncooperative and refuse to open their doors, the Government needs to apply to the court for a warrant to enter the premises to search for evidence, which is an even longer procedure.
After the Government issues an order for the removal of UBWs, the owner will not be held criminally liable as long as he/she removes the UBWs; if the owner does not remove the UBWs, an encumbrance will be constituted on the property title, and the property cannot be transacted until the removal order of UBWs is complied with. House No.72 at Redhill Peninsula was imposed an encumbrance in 2001 because of the UBWs, but the encumbrance was lifted in 2006 after the removal of the UBWs and the property was sold to another owner. The UBWs and occupation of government land at Redhill Peninsula is now “an open secret”, proving that the deterrent effect of the law is insufficient.
The Audit Commission's investigation report once pointed out that the time between the Government's confirmation of the report and the issuance of an order for the removal of UBWs was too long, and there was a backlog of the UBWs. According to the data submitted by the Development Bureau to the Legislative Council in 2018, as many as 20,000 UBWs are to be removed. A LegCo member once laughed that it would take 100 years to deal with the accumulated 800,000 cases of UBWs in Hong Kong.
The key to changing the current situation where UBWs are rampant and some owners have no regard for law, lies in strengthening the law against UBWs and streamlining the process of imposing penalties. For example, the Government can enact legislation to impose penalties directly according to the size of the UBWs once they are confirmed, the fines should be high enough to be deterrent, and a fixed penalty can be imposed through summary proceedings, so as to enhance the efficiency of handling the UBWs.