【社評雙語道】拆牆鬆綁吸人才 緩解香港「醫生荒」

●為解決醫護短缺問題,特區政府決定放寬屬非香港永久性居民的合資格非本地培訓專科醫生申請來港執業。 資料圖片
●為解決醫護短缺問題,特區政府決定放寬屬非香港永久性居民的合資格非本地培訓專科醫生申請來港執業。 資料圖片







  其實,輸入海外醫生可以促進本港醫療體系持續優化,改善醫生的工作環境,為市民提供更優質的醫療服務,對全體醫護和全港市民都是好事。 (摘錄自香港《文匯報》社評 2021-9-1)

  Hong Kong to Relax Rules to Bring in Talents and Ease Doctor Shortage

  【譯文】The SAR Government has proposed revisions to the Medical Registration (Amendment) Bill that is currently pending approval from the Legislative Council, as it seeks to allow non-permanent residents-who are trained overseas but hold the recognised medical qualifications-to practice as specialists in Hong Kong. The acute problem of population ageing has been aggravating the shortage of healthcare manpower in the city. This results in a realistic and urgent need to step up efforts in attracting more non-local healthcare professionals to Hong Kong. The previous amendments of the bill were too strict, as they proposed that in order for a non-locally trained doctor to be eligible for full or special registration in Hong Kong, he or she must be a Hong Kong permanent resident. The Government's efforts to relax the rules in view of the city's present situation are consistent with the public interest and deserve recognition and support. In finalising the bill, the Government should, on one hand, ensure the strict implementation of the evaluation mechanism to maintain the quality and standards of the healthcare system in Hong Kong, and on the other hand, give careful consideration to the benefits and remuneration of the city's existing doctors, in order to facilitate the import of overseas specialists.

  According to the Medical Registration (Amendment) Bill which has been tabled to the Legislative Council for the first reading, the SAR Government proposes to relax the requirements for hiring doctors and allow non-permanent residents to practice as specialists in Hong Kong without taking the local licensing examination. The proposed amendments were made in response to the views put forward by members of the Bills Committee in three previous meetings. It shows that the SAR Government is receptive to the suggestions and willing to relax the rules to bring in overseas medical specialists as a way to alleviate the severe shortage of doctors in Hong Kong.

  Medical staff shortage has been a major issue in the public healthcare system in Hong Kong. The problem has been aggravated by an ageing population and brain drain. The SAR Government estimates that the city will be short nearly 2,000 doctors by 2040. Several members of the industry said the actual situation is more serious than that.

  There is a global shortage of doctors, and countries and regions around the world have been competing for medical personnel. If only permanent resident doctors are allowed to practice in Hong Kong, it will create an insurmountable hurdle for foreign doctors with professional specialist qualifications who wish to work here and hinder the Government's effort to address the doctor shortage. Moreover, given the increased mobility of professional workers in this highly globalised world, Hong Kong should not restrict its selection of candidates and evaluate them by their resident status, but instead focus on their recognised professional qualifications.

  Obviously, the Government must establish a stringent mechanism to vet specialist qualifications in order to ensure the quality of imported doctors. While the SAR Government suggests to expand the original hiring scheme to cover non-permanent Hong Kong residents, the proposed amendment applies only to specialist doctors, whose qualifications, under the proposal, will have to be recognised by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine in order for them to gain full registration in Hong Kong. As for those who have graduated from overseas medical schools but have yet to complete their internship, they will have to be a permanent resident and pass the local licensing examination before they can practice in Hong Kong. It is believed that if the Government can strictly implement this mechanism and have enough measures in place to monitor the quality of overseas-trained doctors, it will manage to maintain public confidence in the healthcare system in Hong Kong.

  Given that doctors have been in short supply in Hong Kong, relaxing the rules for overseas-trained doctors through implementation of appropriate measures will not affect the benefits and remuneration of local doctors. The SAR Government has also promised that the Hospital Authority will provide sufficient employment and specialist training opportunities to all qualified local medical graduates. Indeed, admitting overseas-trained doctors will help facilitate the continuous enhancement of the local healthcare system and the work environment of doctors. This will ensure the provision of quality healthcare services to Hong Kong citizens and benefit both healthcare workers and the public.●Kit Siu