

香港大公文匯傳媒集團旗下有《大公報》、香港《文匯報》等多份報章,以及大公網、香港文匯網、大公文匯網和覆蓋移動端、社交媒體的多個新媒體平台及賬號,是全媒體發展、全業態生産、全平台覆蓋的愛國愛港全媒體傳媒旗艦,也是香港日報發行量最大的傳媒機構之一。在香港報業公會最佳新聞獎評選中,集團三報獲獎總量及冠軍總量自2019年以來連續五年位居全港第一。 習近平總書記對大文集團的發展高度重視。2022年6月12日,《大公報》創刊120周年之際,習近平總書記親致賀信,對《大公報》在不同歷史時期所發揮的重要作用、特別是新時期所做出的突出貢獻給予充分肯定,並提出了「弘揚愛國傳統,銳意創新發展,不斷擴大傳播力和影響力」的殷切期望。2013年9月1日,香港《文匯報》創刊65周年之際,習近平總書記親致賀信,高度評價《文匯報》與祖國同心,與香港同行,支持特區政府依法施政,增進香港與內地的相互理解,面向全球華人,弘揚中華文化,取得了驕人的成績。 大文集團積極貫徹、落實習近平總書記賀信精神,大力推進媒體融合發展,在加大本港輿論場傳播力、影響力的同時,正在努力搭建三大平台:一是海外傳播平台。集團發起成立了海外華文傳媒合作組織,整合全球100多家海外華媒,利用身處「海裏」的區位優勢和話語表達優勢,在17個國家和地區發行大公、文匯兩報的海外版,日均發行量200萬份。集團還通過大文融媒矩陣、香港及國際大V等,用中、英、日、阿等語種,在FB、X等境外社交媒體講好「一國兩制」成功實踐的故事,傳播中國聲音。二是「媒體+政務商務服務」生態平台。集團設有輿情監測中心,為政府部門、商業機構、社會團體等提供輿情信息訂制服務;設有大文智庫,向決策機構、目標人群提供研究報告、輿情研判、對策建議等;並在灣區設立「大公文匯國際傳播中心」,對接內地各級政府部門、大型企業的國際傳播能力建設、涉外輿情監測、海外品牌推廣、經貿合作和文化交流等需求;設立了香港國際ESG聯盟、香港ESG研究院等在相關領域的權威機構,策劃發布專業報告、榜單指數和舉辦論壇活動等。三是青少年交流平台。集團發揮傳媒特長和自身資源優勢,繼續辦好「范長江行動」「未來之星」和「全港學生中國國情知識大賽」等青少年品牌活動,每年組織大批香港青少年回內地認識祖國,同時積極承辦內地大中學生赴港遊學和參訪交流,推動兩地年輕一代「雙向奔赴」。
2016年,集團順應媒體變革趨勢,探索媒體融合發展,建立了全媒體新聞中心,實現了傳播平台的全覆蓋、生產方式的全業態、集團媒體的全融合,活躍用戶量和訪問流量穩居香港新媒體同業的第一方陣。 集團搭建了大公文匯網、大公網、文匯網、點新聞網、DotDotNews五個網站和三個移動客戶端等自有平台,並入駐FB、X、YouTube、Instagram、微博、微信、B站、抖音、TikTok、MeWe、Quora等第三方平台,覆蓋用戶1500萬,日均瀏覽量超過1000萬,形成了報、網、端、微等各終端並行的全媒體傳播格局。同時,集團依託中央廚房智媒系統,形成了「中央廚房」統一指揮、一體化運作、多元傳播的採編模式,實現了新聞資訊的即時採集、移動採集和即採即發,實現了視頻、音頻、動漫、海報、懶人包、無人機、H5等全業態生産。 目前,集團每日生產新媒體產品數百條,除通過自有平台發布外,還在100多個社交媒體賬號矩陣發布,在內地、港澳台和海外受眾中具有廣泛影響力和傳播力。


香港大公文匯傳媒集團旗下有《大公報》、香港《文匯報》等多份報章,以及大公網、文匯網、大公文匯網和覆蓋移動端、社交媒體的多個新媒體平台及賬號,是全媒體發展、全業態生産、全平台覆蓋的愛國愛港全媒體傳媒旗艦,也是香港日報發行量最大的傳媒機構之一。在香港報業公會最佳新聞獎評選中,集團三報獲獎總量及冠軍總量自2019年以來連續五年位居全港第一。 習近平總書記對大文集團的發展高度重視。2022年6月12日,《大公報》創刊120周年之際,習近平總書記親致賀信,對《大公報》在不同歷史時期所發揮的重要作用、特別是新時期所做出的突出貢獻給予充分肯定,並提出了「弘揚愛國傳統,銳意創新發展,不斷擴大傳播力和影響力」的殷切期望。2013年9月1日,香港《文匯報》創刊65周年之際,習近平總書記親致賀信,高度評價《文匯報》與祖國同心,與香港同行,支持特區政府依法施政,增進香港與內地的相互理解,面向全球華人,弘揚中華文化,取得了驕人的成績。 大文集團積極貫徹、落實習近平總書記賀信精神,大力推進媒體融合發展,在加大本港輿論場傳播力、影響力的同時,正在努力搭建三大平台:一是海外傳播平台。集團發起成立了海外華文傳媒合作組織,整合全球100多家海外華媒,利用身處「海裏」的區位優勢和話語表達優勢,在17個國家和地區發行大公、文匯兩報的海外版,日均發行量200萬份。集團還通過大文融媒矩陣、香港及國際大V等,用中、英、日、阿等語種,在FB、X等境外社交媒體講好「一國兩制」成功實踐的故事,傳播中國聲音。二是「媒體+政務商務服務」生態平台。集團設有輿情監測中心,為政府部門、商業機構、社會團體等提供輿情信息訂制服務;設有大文智庫,向決策機構、目標人群提供研究報告、輿情研判、對策建議等;並在灣區設立「大公文匯國際傳播中心」,對接內地各級政府部門、大型企業的國際傳播能力建設、涉外輿情監測、海外品牌推廣、經貿合作和文化交流等需求;設立了香港國際ESG聯盟、香港ESG研究院等在相關領域的權威機構,策劃發布專業報告、榜單指數和舉辦論壇活動等。三是青少年交流平台。集團發揮傳媒特長和自身資源優勢,繼續辦好「范長江行動」「未來之星」和「全港學生中國國情知識大賽」等青少年品牌活動,每年組織大批香港青少年回內地認識祖國,同時積極承辦內地大中學生赴港遊學和參訪交流,推動兩地年輕一代「雙向奔赴」。
《大公報》1902年6月17日創刊於天津,1938年開始在香港出版,是全球現存歷史最悠久的中文報紙。2022年《大公報》創刊120周年之際,習近平總書記親致賀信,充分肯定《大公報》一個多世紀以來「秉承『忘己之為大,無私之謂公』的辦報宗旨,立言為公,文章報國」,「希望《大公報》不忘初心,弘揚愛國傳統,銳意創新發展,不斷擴大傳播力和影響力,為『一國兩制』實踐行穩致遠、為實現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢書寫更為精彩的時代篇章」。 《大公報》重點做好政治、經濟、文化類新聞和政經評論,每天刊發「大公評論」亦附有「龔之平」「井水集」「北京觀察」「隔海觀瀾」「經濟觀察家」「青年有話說」等多個品牌欄目;大公副刊保持其一貫注重知識性、原創性的特色,在香港報業之林中與眾不同;精心經營新聞背後故事的專題報道,則是《大公報》長期引人入勝的另一重要原因。
香港《文匯報》1948年9月9日在香港創刊,以愛國愛港爲宗旨,堅持「文以載道、匯則興邦」的理念。2013年香港《文匯報》創刊65周年,習近平總書記發來賀信,高度評價《文匯報》與祖國同心,與香港同行,支持特區政府依法施政,增進香港與內地的相互理解,面向全球華人,弘揚中華文化,取得了驕人的成績。 香港《文匯報》在強化时政新聞同時,增加貼近市民的社會民生新聞和專題報道,增設服務讀者的互動欄目,開設有「來論」「廿四味」「官員有say」「網議政事」「神州有情」「投訴有門」等一批貼近市民受眾的欄目。社評密切關注社會熱點,立場鮮明,以理服人,以情感人,受到香港社會各界和特區政府的重視,被香港電子媒體轉發和引用的數量始終高居香港報章前列。
2016年,集團順應媒體變革趨勢,探索媒體融合發展,建立了全媒體新聞中心,實現了傳播平台的全覆蓋、生產方式的全業態、集團媒體的全融合,活躍用戶量和訪問流量穩居香港新媒體同業的第一方陣。 集團搭建了大公文匯網、大公網、文匯網、點新聞網、DotDotNews五個網站和三個移動客戶端等自有平台,並入駐FB、X、YouTube、Instagram、微博、微信、B站、抖音、TikTok、MeWe、Quora等第三方平台,覆蓋用戶1500萬,日均瀏覽量超過1000萬,形成了報、網、端、微等各終端並行的全媒體傳播格局。同時,集團依託中央廚房智媒系統,形成了「中央廚房」統一指揮、一體化運作、多元傳播的採編模式,實現了新聞資訊的即時採集、移動採集和即採即發,實現了視頻、音頻、動漫、海報、懶人包、無人機、H5等全業態生産。 目前,集團每日生產新媒體產品數百條,除通過自有平台發布外,還在100多個社交媒體賬號矩陣發布,在內地、港澳台和海外受眾中具有廣泛影響力和傳播力。

Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group

Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group has various time-honored newspapers, including Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po, as well as their corresponding web pages and social media platforms. As a patriotic Omnimedia flagship with wide-ranging production and all-platform coverage, the Group is a media organization with one of the largest circulations of daily newspapers in Hong Kong. The Group has ranked first in the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong’s Best News Awards for five consecutive years in terms of the total number of awards and championships won by the Group’s three newspapers. Chinese President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the development of the Group. On June 12, 2022, on the 120th anniversary of the founding of Ta Kung Pao, President Xi sent a congratulatory letter fully recognizing the important role played by Ta Kung Pao in different historical periods and especially its outstanding contribution to the new era and put forward his ardent expectation that the Group will “Carry forward the patriotic tradition, strive for innovation and development, and continuously expand its dissemination and influence.” On September 1, 2013, on the 65th anniversary of the founding of Wen Wei Po, President Xi also sent a congratulatory letter highly praising the newspaper for its outstanding achievements in supporting the SAR government’s administration by the law, enhancing mutual understanding between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, and promoting Chinese culture to overseas Chinese around the globe. The Group is actively implementing the spirit of President Xi’s congratulatory letters, vigorously promoting the development of media integration. In addition to enhancing its influence in the local public opinion arena, the Group endeavors to build three major platforms: First, an overseas communication platform. The Group has initiated the establishment of the Overseas Chinese Media Cooperation Organization, which integrates more than 100 overseas Chinese media worldwide. Leveraging on Hong Kong’s unique advantages, the Group publishes the overseas editions of Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po in 17 countries and regions, with an average daily circulation of 2 million copies. The Group also utilizes the TKWW Cross-Media Matrix and Hong Kong and international influencers to tell the stories of the successful implementation of “one country, two systems” in languages spanning Chinese, English, Japanese, and Arabic on social media outside Hong Kong, such as Facebook and X (Twitter), to disseminate Chinese stories. Second, a comprehensive “Media + Governance, Business, and Services” platform. The Group has set up a public opinion monitoring center to provide government departments, business organizations, and social groups with customized services based on public opinion information. A think tank has also been established to provide decision-making bodies and target groups with research reports, public opinion analyses, and policy suggestions. The Ta Kung Wen Wei International Communication Center has been set up in the Greater Bay Area, catering to the needs of government departments at all levels and large-scale enterprises on the Chinese mainland for the building of international communication capacity, monitoring of foreign-related public opinion, promotion of overseas brands, economic and trade cooperation as well as cultural exchanges. In addition, authoritative organizations such as the Hong Kong International ESG Alliance and the Hong Kong ESG Research Institute have been founded to publish professional reports, lists, and indexes and organize forums and activities. Third, a platform for youth exchanges. Leveraging its media expertise and resources, the Group continues to organize signature youth activities such as the “Fan Changjiang Reporting Scheme,” “Future Star,” and “National Knowledge Contest for Hong Kong Youth.” Besides, the Group organizes a large number of Hong Kong youths to return to the mainland each year to learn more about their motherland, while actively hosting study tours and exchange visits for mainland university and secondary school students to Hong Kong, thereby promoting a deeper mutual understanding between young people of the two places.
three newspapers
The Group publishes three newspapers, namely Ta Kung Pao, an authoritative newspaper targeting the political, business, intellectual and professional sectors; Wen Wei Po, a humanistic newspaper targeting the general public; and Lion Rock Daily, a free newspaper targeting the grassroots citizens, in particular the grassroots young readers.
LION Rock Daily
Founded on June 17, 1902, in Tianjin and published in Hong Kong since 1938, Ta Kung Pao is the world’s oldest active Chinese language newspaper. The 120th anniversary of the founding of Ta Kung Pao was celebrated in 2022. In a congratulatory letter, President Xi Jinping personally recognized the newspaper’s work and contribution, and expressed his hopes that it will continue to carry forward its patriotic tradition, strive for innovation and development, and expand its influence, so as to write an even more exciting chapter in the practice of “one country, two systems” and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Ta Kung Pao focuses on political, economic and cultural news as well as political and economic commentaries. Its supplement maintains its usual emphasis on informativeness and originality, which makes it stand out among the Hong Kong press. The constant flow of well-crafted feature stories behind the news is another important reason why Ta Kung Pao has been readers’ choice over the years.
Wen Wei Po was founded in Hong Kong on September 9, 1948, with the keynote of patriotism and love for Hong Kong, and the purpose of spreading the truth and revitalizing the country. The 65th anniversary of the founding of Wen Wei Po was reached in 2013. In a congratulatory letter, President Xi Jinping praised the newspaper’s endeavors in supporting the SAR government’s administration in accordance with the law, promoting mutual understanding between Hong Kong and the mainland, and spreading Chinese culture among overseas Chinese around the globe.
Besides focusing on political news, Wen Wei Po also strives to present to its readers stories that are close to the public, setting up a number of interactive columns to better serve its readers. With a clear stance and a focus on the hottest topics of interest to society, its editorials are highly valued by various sectors of Hong Kong society and the SAR government. The number of reposts and citations by Hong Kong’s electronic media is consistently among the highest of Hong Kong’s newspapers.
Founded on April 9, 2018, the Lion Rock Daily is a free newspaper for the general public, especially grassroots young readers. It focuses on social, economic and civic news of interest to the grassroots, as well as providing practical information on consumption, tourism, technology, e-sports and healthcare. Its content strives to be “entertaining, eye-opening and problem-solving”.
In addition, the newspaper has also been a positive voice on major political issues, playing a leading role in Hong Kong’s free newspaper market.
TKWW Omnimedia Center
In 2016, the Group responded to the trend in media reforms and explored media integration by setting up an omnimedia news center, realizing full coverage of communication platforms, omnimedia production and the full integration of the Group’s media, with the number of active users and visitor traffic ranking steadily at the top of the new media industry in Hong Kong. The Group has built its own various online platforms, the corresponding webpages of the three newspapers and the bilingual new media site dotdotnews.com and three mobile apps. The Group has also expansively set up accounts on third-party social media platforms, including Facebook, X, YouTube, Instagram, Weibo, WeChat, Bilibili, Douyin, TikTok, MeWe, Quora, etc., with 15 million subscribers and over 10 million average daily views, forming an all-media dissemination pattern. Meanwhile, relying on the Central Kitchen Intelligent Media System, the Group has established a news gathering and editing mode featuring unified command, integrated operation and diversified dissemination, realizing real-time processing and issuance of news and information, as well as cross-media production of original content spanning videos, livestreams, real-time stories, animated cartoons, commentaries, posters, and H5 pages, etc. Currently, the Group produces hundreds of new media products every day, which are not only distributed through its own platforms, but also in the matrix of more than 100 social media accounts, boasting wide influence and spread among the audiences in the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas.
Distribution network
The Group’s news gathering and distribution network covers Hong Kong, the mainland and overseas. Ta Kung Pao and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po as well as their e-newspapers are distributed to nearly 90 percent of primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, as well as all newspaper stalls, convenience stores, major neighborhoods, housing estates, the eight tertiary education institutions, major libraries, VIP airport lounges and Hong Kong-Beijing flights, with an average daily circulation of more than 200,000 copies. The Group has set up press centers and reporter stations in first-tier cities on the mainland such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai, as well as in the Macao SAR, with a news gathering and distribution network covering the whole territory of the mainland. The Group has also set up a special printing office in Beijing to launch high-end distribution, with Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po delivered directly to the central organs of the party, government and military every day. The Group also publishes 37 overseas editions in the United States, Canada, France, South Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Korea and Australia, as well as in Taiwan region and other areas, with a circulation of nearly 2 million copies per issue and readers across five continents.

Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group

Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group has various time-honored newspapers, including Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po, as well as their corresponding web pages and social media platforms. As a patriotic Omnimedia flagship with wide-ranging production and all-platform coverage, the Group is a media organization with one of the largest circulations of daily newspapers in Hong Kong. The Group has ranked first in the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong’s Best News Awards for five consecutive years in terms of the total number of awards and championships won by the Group’s three newspapers. Chinese President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the development of the Group. On June 12, 2022, on the 120th anniversary of the founding of Ta Kung Pao, President Xi sent a congratulatory letter fully recognizing the important role played by Ta Kung Pao in different historical periods and especially its outstanding contribution to the new era and put forward his ardent expectation that the Group will “Carry forward the patriotic tradition, strive for innovation and development, and continuously expand its dissemination and influence.” On September 1, 2013, on the 65th anniversary of the founding of Wen Wei Po, President Xi also sent a congratulatory letter highly praising the newspaper for its outstanding achievements in supporting the SAR government’s administration by the law, enhancing mutual understanding between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, and promoting Chinese culture to overseas Chinese around the globe. The Group is actively implementing the spirit of President Xi’s congratulatory letters, vigorously promoting the development of media integration. In addition to enhancing its influence in the local public opinion arena, the Group endeavors to build three major platforms: First, an overseas communication platform. The Group has initiated the establishment of the Overseas Chinese Media Cooperation Organization, which integrates more than 100 overseas Chinese media worldwide. Leveraging on Hong Kong’s unique advantages, the Group publishes the overseas editions of Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po in 17 countries and regions, with an average daily circulation of 2 million copies. The Group also utilizes the TKWW Cross-Media Matrix and Hong Kong and international influencers to tell the stories of the successful implementation of “one country, two systems” in languages spanning Chinese, English, Japanese, and Arabic on social media outside Hong Kong, such as Facebook and X (Twitter), to disseminate Chinese stories. Second, a comprehensive “Media + Governance, Business, and Services” platform. The Group has set up a public opinion monitoring center to provide government departments, business organizations, and social groups with customized services based on public opinion information. A think tank has also been established to provide decision-making bodies and target groups with research reports, public opinion analyses, and policy suggestions. The Ta Kung Wen Wei International Communication Center has been set up in the Greater Bay Area, catering to the needs of government departments at all levels and large-scale enterprises on the Chinese mainland for the building of international communication capacity, monitoring of foreign-related public opinion, promotion of overseas brands, economic and trade cooperation as well as cultural exchanges. In addition, authoritative organizations such as the Hong Kong International ESG Alliance and the Hong Kong ESG Research Institute have been founded to publish professional reports, lists, and indexes and organize forums and activities. Third, a platform for youth exchanges. Leveraging its media expertise and resources, the Group continues to organize signature youth activities such as the “Fan Changjiang Reporting Scheme,” “Future Star,” and “National Knowledge Contest for Hong Kong Youth.” Besides, the Group organizes a large number of Hong Kong youths to return to the mainland each year to learn more about their motherland, while actively hosting study tours and exchange visits for mainland university and secondary school students to Hong Kong, thereby promoting a deeper mutual understanding between young people of the two places.
Three newspapers
The Group publishes three newspapers, namely Ta Kung Pao, an authoritative newspaper targeting the political, business, intellectual and professional sectors; Wen Wei Po, a humanistic newspaper targeting the general public; and Lion Rock Daily, a free newspaper targeting the grassroots citizens, in particular the grassroots young readers.
Founded on June 17, 1902, in Tianjin and published in Hong Kong since 1938, Ta Kung Pao is the world’s oldest active Chinese language newspaper. The 120th anniversary of the founding of Ta Kung Pao was celebrated in 2022. In a congratulatory letter, President Xi Jinping personally recognized the newspaper’s work and contribution, and expressed his hopes that it will continue to carry forward its patriotic tradition, strive for innovation and development, and expand its influence, so as to write an even more exciting chapter in the practice of “one country, two systems” and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Ta Kung Pao focuses on political, economic and cultural news as well as political and economic commentaries. Its supplement maintains its usual emphasis on informativeness and originality, which makes it stand out among the Hong Kong press. The constant flow of well-crafted feature stories behind the news is another important reason why Ta Kung Pao has been readers’ choice over the years.
Wen Wei Po was founded in Hong Kong on September 9, 1948, with the keynote of patriotism and love for Hong Kong, and the purpose of spreading the truth and revitalizing the country. The 65th anniversary of the founding of Wen Wei Po was reached in 2013. In a congratulatory letter, President Xi Jinping praised the newspaper’s endeavors in supporting the SAR government’s administration in accordance with the law, promoting mutual understanding between Hong Kong and the mainland, and spreading Chinese culture among overseas Chinese around the globe. Besides focusing on political news, Wen Wei Po also strives to present to its readers stories that are close to the public, setting up a number of interactive columns to better serve its readers. With a clear stance and a focus on the hottest topics of interest to society, its editorials are highly valued by various sectors of Hong Kong society and the SAR government. The number of reposts and citations by Hong Kong’s electronic media is consistently among the highest of Hong Kong’s newspapers.
LION Rock Daily
Founded on April 9, 2018, the Lion Rock Daily is a free newspaper for the general public, especially grassroots young readers. It focuses on social, economic and civic news of interest to the grassroots, as well as providing practical information on consumption, tourism, technology, e-sports and healthcare. Its content strives to be “entertaining, eye-opening and problem-solving”. In addition, the newspaper has also been a positive voice on major political issues, playing a leading role in Hong Kong’s free newspaper market.
TKWW Omnimedia Center
In 2016, the Group responded to the trend in media reforms and explored media integration by setting up an omnimedia news center, realizing full coverage of communication platforms, omnimedia production and the full integration of the Group’s media, with the number of active users and visitor traffic ranking steadily at the top of the new media industry in Hong Kong. The Group has built its own various online platforms, the corresponding webpages of the three newspapers and the bilingual new media site dotdotnews.com and three mobile apps. The Group has also expansively set up accounts on third-party social media platforms, including Facebook, X, YouTube, Instagram, Weibo, WeChat, Bilibili, Douyin, TikTok, MeWe, Quora, etc., with 15 million subscribers and over 10 million average daily views, forming an all-media dissemination pattern. Meanwhile, relying on the Central Kitchen Intelligent Media System, the Group has established a news gathering and editing mode featuring unified command, integrated operation and diversified dissemination, realizing real-time processing and issuance of news and information, as well as cross-media production of original content spanning videos, livestreams, real-time stories, animated cartoons, commentaries, posters, and H5 pages, etc. Currently, the Group produces hundreds of new media products every day, which are not only distributed through its own platforms, but also in the matrix of more than 100 social media accounts, boasting wide influence and spread among the audiences in the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas.
Distribution network
The Group’s news gathering and distribution network covers Hong Kong, the mainland and overseas. Ta Kung Pao and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po as well as their e-newspapers are distributed to nearly 90 percent of primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, as well as all newspaper stalls, convenience stores, major neighborhoods, housing estates, the eight tertiary education institutions, major libraries, VIP airport lounges and Hong Kong-Beijing flights, with an average daily circulation of more than 200,000 copies. The Group has set up press centers and reporter stations in first-tier cities on the mainland such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai, as well as in the Macao SAR, with a news gathering and distribution network covering the whole territory of the mainland. The Group has also set up a special printing office in Beijing to launch high-end distribution, with Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po delivered directly to the central organs of the party, government and military every day. The Group also publishes 37 overseas editions in the United States, Canada, France, South Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Korea and Australia, as well as in Taiwan region and other areas, with a circulation of nearly 2 million copies per issue and readers across five continents.