大公文匯網報道,3月20日,外交部駐香港特派員公署特派員崔建春在《南華早報》發表題為《加徵關稅難治痼疾 貿易保護損人害己》的署名文章,揭批美加徵關稅錯誤行徑,指出芬太尼危機是美內生「毒瘤」,讓別人吃藥不能解決問題,強調美加徵關稅不僅將自食「迴旋鏢」苦果,還會禍及全球經濟。文章19日亦在該報網頁版刊登。全文如下:

加徵關稅難治痼疾 貿易保護損人害己
Rampant trade tariffs are no cure for the US’ fentanyl crisis
The US government, despite opposition from all sides, has slapped tariffs indiscriminately on countries around the world. Citing China’s alleged failure to take sufficient measures to address the fentanyl issue, the United States announced an additional20 per cent tariffon Chineseproducts exported to the US, including those from Hong Kong.
It should be obvious to any discerning observer that this move is political manipulation intended to deflect attention away from the US’ domestic problems, a typical example of trade bullying and a serious provocation to the international economic and trade order.
Thefentanyl crisisis a tumour in American society stemming from the US government’s own failure at social governance. Making someone else swallow bitter medicine won’t solve America’s problem. The United States is the world’s largest consumer of opioid drugs. Although its population accounts for only 4 per cent of the world’s total, it consumes more than 80 per cent of the global opioids.
In 2023 alone, around 74,000 Americans died after taking drug mixtures containing fentanyl. This public health disaster results from the US’ own painkiller culture. For years, under a push by theUS pharmaceutical industry, opioid painkillers became extremely popular, while supervision lagged far behind. To eradicate the fentanyl crisis, the US must address the root cause rather than shift the blame on to others.
Nevertheless, in line with the spirit of humanitarianism, in recent years, China has actively supported the US in addressing the fentanyl issue at its request.
As early as in 2019, China became the first country in the world to schedule fentanyl-related substances as a whole class of prohibited substances. In 2024, the US Department of State said in its International Narcotics Control Strategy Report: “Almost no fentanyl or fentanyl analogues have been detected directly entering the United States from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) since the PRC implemented controls over fentanyl-related substances as a class in 2019.”
Despite China’s acts of goodwill, the US has used the fentanyl issue as an excuse to impose tariffs on China, repaying kindness with ingratitude.
The US’ tariffs will boomerang on itself. A quick glance at any economics textbook would reveal that the biggest victims of tariff hikes are domestic consumers and importers. US tariffs will inevitably drive up the prices of imported goods, forcing American consumers and businesses that rely on imported components and finished products to foot the bill. Why else would US retail giantWalmartbe demanding price reductions from Chinese suppliers, as has been reported?
Tariff hikes ultimately lead to higher living and production costs, exacerbate inflation and even spark serious concerns about the prospect of aUS economic recession. Recent sharp fluctuations in the US stock market, coupled with financial institutions like Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs lowering their growth forecasts for the US economy this year, indicate that the US economy has been thrown into shadow by tariffs.
The US government’s expectation that imposing tariffs will resolve the country’s chronic trade deficit and revive manufacturing is a miscalculation. In fact, since the US launched its trade war in 2018, its trade deficit in goods has not decreased but rather increased, with the deficit surging 50 per cent between 2017 and 2024.
As for manufacturing development, factors such as supply chains, talent and costs come into play. The US has long lost its competitive edge in these areas, and tariff protectionism will not help.
The US tariff war harms the global economy. In today’s highly globalised world, the US’ use of tariffs as a tool to pressure other countries will inevitably provoke backlash and severely damage the international trade system. Not onlyChinabut also theEuropean Union,Canadaand Mexico have taken countermeasures or indicated they will do so.
This brings to mind the US’ passage of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act in 1930, which significantly raised tariffs and led to retaliatory measures by other countries, ultimately crippling global trade and worsening the Great Depression.
The World Bank has warned that a universal tariff of 10 per cent on US imports – an idea that was floated earlier – could reduce already lacklustre global economic growth of 2.7 per cent in 2025 by 0.3 percentage point.
As the world’s largest developed country, the US should contribute positively to the healthy and stable development of the global economy, instead of weaponising tariffs, engaging in unilateralism and protectionism and pushing the world economy to the brink of another great depression.
The US’ decision to impose tariffson Hong Kongas well disregards Hong Kong’s status as a separate customs territory within the World Trade Organization and seriously violates WTO rules.
I believe that with the strong support of the central government and the “one country, two systems” framework, Hong Kong has the confidence, capability and wisdom to weather this storm and achieve higher-quality development.
Facts have proven that a US trade war can produce no winners. Apart from the US government and a few sectors, governments around the world and almost all mainstream international media and economists oppose the US trade war. The US should change course and revoke the additional tariffs on China as soon as possible so as to steer China-US economic and trade relations back on track.
China has never wanted a tariff war or trade war, but if the US insists on starting one, we will certainly see it through to the end.